Color Palette Update

Howdy everyone. Spent the morning updating the Mimic Publishing palette. 
The first set of colors now include a rainbow of color-blind friendly player colors. (with a dark/light combo). 
If you use these colors in a game/rulebook, it's always encouraged to pair it with another visual mark (flame for red, etc)

The priority of color choices should be encouraged as well, so folks won't feel singled out when possible. Using the colors from left to right as presented here, using black and/or white instead of grey and choosing purple last in a 7 player game (that's a lot of people in one game, so should be very rare to occur). I can only rely on colorblind simulations, but from the ones i checked, the purple works, but can get close to blue and green at times. 

These are calibrated with CMYK in mind. 

the rest of the palette are colors we're playing with as we make art and graphics for our current roster of games. They're always adjusting a little. But might be a great start to bounce off of for your next project. 


MimicPublishing.afpalette 5.8 kB
44 days ago


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